
A webring for ghosts...
[host] [list] [opml] [repo]

Webrings may seem as ancient as a ghost story whispered through the ages, but the concept is timeless! Each site is a doorway to the next, allowing visitors to drift through cryptic corridors of cyberspace...

Ghostring's membership is open as a vampire's coffin at midnight!

If you run a personal website or blog, you are welcome. I invite any readers, writers, artists, skeptics, dreamers, ghouls, ghosts, and unknown creatures...

Here, the moonlight is always right for sharing stories...


Your site need only be devoid of bigotry & ads, and you should be willing to add the webring links.

Add the following webring HTML somewhere on your site (I simply put my links in the footer):

<a href=""><-</a>
<a href="">Ghostring</a>
<a href="">-></a>

(Replace YOUR_SLUG with a keyword representing your site - for example, slug kersed for the website

My webring application generates pages which automatically redirect visitors to the sites adjacent to each other in the list. This way, the links connect us all together in a loop!

It's okay if you want to customize the links - changing the arrow characters to something like ←/→, using images/buttons instead of pure text, etc. The important thing is to allow visitors to easily find their way between sites!

Updating the List

Once you have the links on your page, there are several ways to get on the list:

Required Information

When sending your request, the only required details are your site's URL, and the slug (site keyword) that you picked. I need the slug in order to activate your links.

Please specify the URL where you put the links so visitors can find them. If your links are on your front page, then your normal URL will do. If your links are elsewhere on your site - like on a special "links" page - then please use that specific page as your URL.

That's it! If you've added the links & submitted a request, then you're all set!

Optional Information

Optionally, you can also include additional information for your site listing:

None of the above is required; it only helps flesh out (so to speak) your entry in the directory.


Please understand it may take a few days (or more) to process any requests and update the webring!

Also, Ghostring now uses a shuffle mode. Every time the webring is regenerated, the sequence is randomized. That means each update will scramble everyone's links.

Some sites get more traffic than others; shuffling the webring helps balance out the traffic. So check up on the webring once in a while to discover some cool new sites!


Occasionally, I'll check each site for the proper links. If Ghostring links can't be found on your site, I'll drop your site from the list in order to keep the webring functional.

If you want to remove yourself from the Ghostring, it'd be appreciated if you gave me a heads up so I can update the list! Otherwise, simply remove the links from your site. Eventually it will get removed.